
Home / Archive by category "team"
Dr. Michael Gruenewald

Dr. Michael Gruenewald

Director and partner SRITec e.G. His focus is mainly on technology management, systematic evaluations, generation of roadmaps, global scouting, evaluation of technology trends and the execution of technology projects. This includes also the protection of knowhow and of results by means of a systematic knowledge and patent management. In the area of innovation management his…

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Daniel Klein

Daniel Klein

Partner SRITec e.G. Daniel Klein has more than 15 years of experience in setting up and optimizing process structures in companies. His competence lies in implementing, optimizing and making processes more efficient together with the customer – holistically based on opportunities and risks. Prior to his partnership at SRITec e.G. he held leading positions in one…

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Dr. Valentin Kloeppel

Dr. Valentin Kloeppel

Partner SRITec e.G. His area of expertise within aeronautical research is flight physics, electric aeronautic propulsion, flight mission simulation, acoustics, wind tunnel analysis and wind turbine technology. Within research management he is an expert for the generation of IP rights, acquisition, planning and leading major national and European research projects as well as in their…

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Ruediger Koppe

Ruediger Koppe

Partner SRITec e.G. He contributes with the leadership experience of 20 years in the German Air Force as head of operations of a flying training squadron, flight instructor, wing flight safety officer and assistant to the wing commander. He has worked for a renowned Munich business consultancy as project leader for process analyses and business…

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Dr. Hans Lobentanzer

Dr. Hans Lobentanzer

Director and partner SRITec e.G. His focus is mainly in the area of innovation management, especially the overall framework, the market based research, the core process and the inhouse transfer as well as the public funding opportunities. In the field of business development his expertise is the development of business plans for innovative products and processes. New…

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Axel Mauritz

Axel Mauritz

Partner  SRITec e.G. In the areas of innovation and technology management his focus are methods to manage the process from target analysis, idea generation, holistic evaluatiun of alternatives and the monitoring of the efficiency of the developed measures. For the transversal topics his competence is mainly in the integration of the required bricks into a knowledge…

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Christoph Schwager

Christoph Schwager

Partner at SRITec e.G. Strategist, former Chief Risk Officer, former partner at EY, entrepreneur, Certified Public Accountant. Since years he manages the transformation of organizations and projects in order to be better prepared for the future, to control the uncertainties and improve their decision making. He enables investors, companies and projects to realize new business…

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